REIGN Osteopathy

"To find health should be the object of the doctor. Anyone can find disease."
-Andrew Taylor Still,
Founder of Osteopathy

Ost ⬪ eo ⬪ path ⬪ y

The founder of Osteopathy, Dr. A. T. Still, viewed the body as a machine and said that if one component wasn’t working, it could have an effect on the whole system. As classically-trained Osteopathic Manual Practitioners, we work to find the cause of the dysfunction in the body, and not dwell on the presented side effects.

Osteopathy is a drug-free, non-invasive manual therapy that aims to bring health to all systems of the body by working with the musculoskeletal structure. It works with the body to regain/maintain health and wellness through gentle movements.

The body is a dynamic unit of function, meaning it functions best with motion. Osteopathy’s goal is to restore motion where it has been lost. This lost motion results in stagnant fluid and eventually leads to dis-ease. By removing any obstructions in the vessels (nerve, blood &/or lymphatics) and integrating the in-depth knowledge of anatomy and physiology, the practitioner can restore the lost motion and health.

Osteopathy can address a wide variety of concerns;

  • Digestion issues
  • Back pain
  • Muscle or joint pain
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Sleep problems
  • Urogenital system complaints
  • Sports injuries
  • Inflammatory conditions
  • And more… 

Osteopathy is covered by all external health benefits.
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If this is your first treatment we'll have a brief discussion about your health history and then I will explain a bit about what Osteopathy is. Once you're comfortable we'll begin. Each treatment is specific to the patient but generally it will consist of gentle movements and long holds. The treatment is very relaxing and there is often no pain throughout. 
Please wear comfortable clothing (athletic attire, sweatpants). Anything that you are mobile in. 
Osteopathy is very beneficial for children - they respond very fast to treatment. The younger you are the more adaptable your hard and soft tissues are so the treatment sessions will be shorter and the results will last longer.

Osteopathy is especially great for newborns. The birthing experience is very traumatic and a delivery that is too long or too short can have lasting effects. If your child is colic there is a reason and osteopathic care can treat that. It is always a good idea to bring your newborn in for a session and get everything checked out.

It is also very beneficial if you are having trouble getting pregnant and for newborns/infants. 
The sooner the better! Osteopathy is very good at calming down the area that is in pain or spasming. The sooner you come in the sooner we can get you back to feeling better. 
This is patient by patient and case by case. My general rule of thumb is to come in for 3-4 treatments and then we will have a conversation and see how you're progressing. From there we may adjust to every two weeks, once a month, etc. The end goal is to come in solely for maintenance, which is vital to your overall health and well being. 
Once you are cleared by your doctor for manual therapy then come on in. Osteopathy can help speed up the healing process by addressing the blood flow. If healthy blood and fluids are getting to the area of concern then healing will occur faster. If blood and fluids are leaving the area properly, then healing will occur faster. Swelling is an accumulation of fluid/blood and Osteopathy can be of great help to remove the obstructions. 
This is case by case but a good rule to abide by is that if you have had the issue for a long time, one treatment isn't going to cure all. Maintaining a strict regimen of treatment is the most beneficial way for you to see results. The patient and the practitioner will have to decide that this looks like. You can't shortcut lasting results. 


Call or book online. Initials are 45 minutes ($105) and follow ups are 30 minutes ($80). Pediatric patients (13 and under) are half price.

Learn More
Kelley is a classically-trained Osteopathic Manual Practitioner as a graduate from the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy. She is also a member of the Ontario Osteopathic Association, which requires the highest standard of training in Canada.

Kelley believes the idea that the practitioner works with the body instead of against the body is what sets Osteopathy apart. The body is self-healing, just like Nature, so the practitioner bestows it the level of respect it deserves. The unique approach to the facilitation of healing that Osteopathy offers is what drew her into this field.

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Kelley is currently going through the Diploma Program at the Canadian Academy of Animal Osteopathy. 
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The founder of Osteopathy was Dr. Andrew T. Still.
He coined the term Osteopathy in 1874 from Kirksville, Missouri. He invented the word by blending two Greek roots: osteon- for "bone" and -pathos for "suffering" in order to communicate his theory that disease and physiologic dysfunction were etiologically grounded in a disordered musculoskeletal system.

He was quoted as saying "The artery reigns supreme", signifying the importance of a healthy blood supply.
The Founder image